Punjab Village Codes

Village Census Code Directory of Punjab, India

Guruhar Sahai(Rural) (162) Village Codes

According to the 2011 Census of India, the Census village code mapped to the Guruhar Sahai(Rural) (162) village in Jalalabad Taluka is 034863. This village is located in the Jalalabad Taluka of Firozpur district in Punjab state of India. The village is comes under Guruhar Sahai, Basti Jaway Singh Wala, Basti Bhag Singh, Basti Nijjar, Basti Kesar Singh Wali, Basti Arayan Wali, Basti Jhawla, Basti Saroop Singh Wala, Basti Sahan Ke, Basti Borian Wali,, Basti Jhabela Wali, Basti Gian Singh, Basti Jhandu Wala, Basti Beer Harbanspura, Basti Gobindgarh, Basti Maghar Singh Wali, Basti Kalle Wali Gram Panchayat of Punjab. The pincode of Guruhar Sahai(Rural) (162) village is 152022.

Census Codes

NameMapped Census Code
Guruhar Sahai(Rural) (162) Village Code034863
Jalalabad Taluka Code00236
Firozpur District Code043
Punjab State Code03

Geographical Area

The total geographical area of Guruhar Sahai(Rural) (162) village is 5509.63 hectares.

Type (Unit)Area
Hectare5509.63 ha
Acre13612.74 acre
Foot592983251 ft2
Kilometre55.09 km2
Metre55090000 m2
Mile21.27 mi2
Yard65887640 yd2


The total population of Guruhar Sahai(Rural) (162) village is 26221 peoples, in which 13689 are male and 12532 are female. This village sex ratio is 109.

Sex Ratio109

Geographical Area

5509.63 ha


5010 Houses


Total: 26221
Male: 13689 Female: 12532

Sex Ratio