Village Census Code Directory of Punjab, India
According to the 2011 Census of India, the Census village code mapped to the Jalalabad ( R )(196) (Part) village in Jalalabad Taluka is 034926. This village is located in the Jalalabad Taluka of Firozpur district in Punjab state of India. The village is comes under Baluana, Tiwana, Jhuge Kanana Wala, Kamre Wala, Bailor Mastu Wala, Bare Wala, Fangian, Basti Dilawar Singh, Jawahar Singh Wala, Basti Bhuman Singh, Ghumani Wala, Chhota Tiwana Gram Panchayat of Punjab. The pincode of Jalalabad ( R )(196) (Part) village is 152024.
Name | Mapped Census Code |
Jalalabad ( R )(196) (Part) Village Code | 034926 |
Jalalabad Taluka Code | 00236 |
Firozpur District Code | 043 |
Punjab State Code | 03 |
The total geographical area of Jalalabad ( R )(196) (Part) village is 1923 hectares.
Type (Unit) | Area |
Hectare | 1923 ha |
Acre | 4751.73 acre |
Foot | 206989797 ft2 |
Kilometre | 19.23 km2 |
Metre | 19230000 m2 |
Mile | 7.42 mi2 |
Yard | 22999080 yd2 |
The total population of Jalalabad ( R )(196) (Part) village is 12870 peoples, in which 6954 are male and 5916 are female. This village sex ratio is 118.
Type | Population |
Male | 6954 |
Female | 5916 |
Sex Ratio | 118 |
1923 ha
2505 Houses
Total: 12870
Male: 6954 Female: 5916